Name of the disciplines taught |
- Techniques and tactics of active types of tourism
- Tourist all-around
- Active types of tourism
- Sports tourism
Academic career |
Basic education |
Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism: Bachelor’s degree specialty “Physical culture and sports” ZHB-B No. 0806672 |
2015 |
Appointed to the position of a methodist coach |
Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, Hall of Tourism |
2016 |
Master’s degree |
Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism: Master’s degree specialty “Tourism”, JOOC-M No. 0137706 |
2018 |
Appointment as a teacher |
Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, Department of Tourism and Service |
2018 to the present |
Admission to the doctoral program |
Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism: 6D090200 – “Tourism” |
2018 |
In the database Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK
- Батырбеков Н.Н, Имангулова Т.В. Құзға өрмелеудің балалар мен студенттердің физикалық және психологиялық жағдайына әсер етуі // Теория и методика физической культуры. – Алматы, 2020. – №2 (60) 2020 г. – с. 159 – 165.
International scientific and practical conferences
- Батырбеков Н.Н., Имангулова Т.В. Развитие спортивного туризма в Республике Казахстан // Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные тенденции и актуальные вопросы развития туризма и гостиничного бизнеса в России».- Москва 2017.-с.240-245.
- Батырбеков Н.Н., Имангулова Т.В. Состояние современного спортивного скалолазания в Республике Казахстан // І Международная научно-практическая конференция научно-педагогических работников и молодых ученых «Цифровые технологии: наука, образование, инновации».- Москва 2018.- с. 248-257.
- Еспенбетов Н.С., Батырбеков Н.Н. Теоретические и методологические основы спортивной подготовки для высокогорного туризма // ІІІ Международная научно-практическая конференция Актуальная проблемы развития туризма. – Москва, 2019 г.- с.562-567.
- Батырбеков Н.Н., Имангулова Т.В. Перспективы развития скалолазания как активного рекреационного туризма // ІХ Международная научно-практическая конференция студентов и молодых ученых Университетский спорт: здоровье и процветание нации. – Алматы, 2019 г.- с.288-292.
- Маратова Е., Батырбеков Н.Н. Современное состояние индустрии туризма Республики Казахстан // Материалы III Международной студенческой конференции «Тенденции развития туризма и гостеприимства в России». – Москва, 2020 г. – с.475-480.
The activities of significant professional organizations: |
- 2016 – Instructor of physical therapy massage, RSE Republican Children’s Clinical Sanatorium “Алатау”
- From 2016 to 2018 – coach-methodist of the hall of “Tourism”, Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism.
- From 2018 to the present-junior coach of the Almaty region national team in sports climbing.
Awards: |
- Letter of appreciation “Almaty Mount Fest” // Kazakh Geographical Society 2016
- Awarded the category of Candidate for Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in sports climbing. Order No. 47 of December 12, 2017
- Winner of the competition in the category “For the best scientific student work of 2018” in the section “Tourism” 2018, Ministry of Education and Science of RK.
- Winner of the contest «Лучший эдвайзер 2020 года», Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism.
Advanced training: |
- Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the framework of the updated content of education (72) / / National Center for Advanced Training «Өрлеу», 2018
- Modern aspects of tourism and hospitality development (72) / / Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism 2019
- Sports tourism (120) / / Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism 2019
- Fundamentals of work in the distance learning system “Moodle” (72) / / Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism 2019
- Training in remote technologies with the use of LMS systems and Microsoft, Google software (72) / / Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism 2020