Ushkulakova Gulnara

 Ушкулакова Г.М.


Position: Lecturer
Regalia: Master
Education: Bachelor Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi “Tourism”, 2001-2005 y. ЖБ №0567200
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay Specialty “Geography”  2013-2015. ЖЖО-М№0075785
PhD The Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism. Specialty

6D090200-«Tourism», 2017

Appointment as a teacher Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism 2015
Patents and copyrights:

Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object of December 6, 2017
Electronic textbook ” Pedagogical dictionary of the educational program “Tourism” . Imangulova T.V., Prokofyeva M.A.

Educational, educational and methodical manuals, monographs, guide, reference book, etc.

(in the last five years):

–          «Көлсай көлдері» мемлекеттік ұлттық табиғи  паркі мемлекеттік мекемесіне 5 жыл, «Асыл сөз» publishing house.-Аlmаty, 2012. (co-authorship): Malybekov A.B., Akhmetov Kh.A., Ushkulakovа G.M.-          «Туризм» білім бағдарламасы бойынша педагогикалық сөздік. Tutorial – Аlmаty: KazAST, 2016– 148 р. ISBN 978-601-7283-39-(co-authorship): Imangulova T.V.,  Prokofieva M.A. Ushkulakovа G.M.-          «Планирование и организация  туристского бизнеса». Tutorial. – Аlmаty: KazAST, 2018. – 133 p. Tulbaeva A.T., Kadyrbekova D.S., Omarova N.A., Ushkulakovа G.M.-           «Гостиничное хозяйство». Tutorial. – Аlmаty: KazAST, 2018. -114 p. Tulbaeva A.T., Kadyrbekova D.S., Omarova N.A., Ushkulakovа G.M.-           «Технология обслуживания  и сервис». Tutorial. – Аlmаty: KazAST, 2018. -128 p. Tulbaeva A.T., Kadyrbekova D.S., Omarova N.A., Ushkulakovа G.M.

Publications (in the last five years):– «Nature protection recreational system of specially protected natural areas».- Almaty , «Поиск» Journal material (№1/2015).- 121-123 p.-  «Kolsay lakes» development of ecological tourism in the territory of the state national natural park. KazNPU messenger. release 20, 2014. стр 22-25.-  «Қазақстанның ерекше қорғалатын табиғи аумақтарын дамыту жолдары», 27-28 марта 2015 год. ІІ Республиканский семинар практикум «подготовка организаторов по туристко-краеведческой  работе в учреждениях образования» посвященный  180-летию  со дня рождения Ш.Уалиханова. – Almaty, 2015.– 173-178 р.

–  «Көлсай көлдері» – мемлекеттік ұлттық саябағында  оқу материалдарын Қазақстан географиясында  оқыту  әдістемесі // География в школах и вузах Казахстана. Республиканский научно-методический  журнал, №1.- 2016 – 65-67 р.

–  Развития религиозного туризма в Казахстане. «Историческая роль города Алматы как центр Исламской культуры».-2016.-135-141 р.

–  «Алтынемел» мемлекеттік  ұлттық табиғи  паркінде  туризмді дамыту  жолдары // География в школах и вузах Казахстана. Республиканский научно-методический  журнал.- №5,  2016.- 55-57 р.

–  «Алтынемел» мемлекеттік ұлттық табиғи паркіндегі  экологиялық туризм // География в школах и вузах Казахстана. Республиканский научно-методический  журнал.- №4,  2017.- 42-43 р.

–  Сақ дәуіріне саяхат Есіктен басталады // География в школах и вузах Казахстана. Республиканский научно-методический  журнал.- №4,  2017.- 44-45 р.

–  Бесшатыр сақ қорғандары жасөспірімдер мен балалар туризмінің  нысаны ретінде // География в школах и вузах Казахстана. Республиканский научно-методический  журнал.- №4,  2017.- 45-46 р.

–  Характеристика  туристско-рекреационного потенциала государственных национальных природных парков Алматинской области для развития  внутреннего туризма // Материалы ІІ Межуднародной  научно-практической  конференции «Актуальные проблемы развития  туризма». Россия, Moscow,  2018. –  70-78 р.

–  Развитие этнокультурного туризма  на территории Государственного национального природного парка  «Колсай көлдері»  в Республике Казахстан // Материалы ІІ Межуднародной  научно-практической  конференции «Актуальные проблемы развития  туризма». Россия, Moscow,  2018. – 62-70 р.

–  Қазақстан Республикасындағы діни туризмнің маңызы // География в школах и вузах Казахстана. Almaty, – 2018. – №3. –  65-66 р.

–  Білім алушыларға қолданбалы курстарды өткізудің  маңызы // География в школах и вузах Казахстана, Almaty, – 2018. – №3. –63-65 р.

–  Шоқанның мәңгілік мекені немесе Шоқан мұражайының  білім алушыларды тәрбиелеудегі орны // География в школах и вузах Казахстана. Almaty, – 2018. – №4. – 31-34 р.

–  Бізге беймәлім Моңғолия немесе Моңғолияның этнографиялық туризмнің дамуы // География в школах и вузах Казахстана. Almaty, – 2018. – №6. – 52-54 р.

–  Шоқанның мәңгілік мекені// Qarqara газеті, 2018.-№23, 10-11 р.

Activity in professionally significant scientific organizations (in the last five years):–          State National Natural Park «Altyn-Emel» From July 2006 to 2014-          Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism. September 2015 to the present
Professional development, certificates (in the last five years):

–       «Certificate of the Hermitage Days participant in the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015.

–       Master class on “Trends in the production of crockery, its types and purposes; Bar inventory: overview and purpose; Kitchen and confectionery inventory – novelties 2014-2015; MONIN products: types, purpose, 2015.

–       Master class on “Classical preparation of espresso and cappuccino coffee. Alternative method of brewing coffee in Pour rover (Hario), 2015

–       Master class on the topic “Advantages and disadvantages of purchasing food for restaurant business”, 2016.

–       Master class on “Outsourcing and Outstaffing”, 2016.

–       Master class on the topic “Recommendations for preparation, storage and transportation for offsite catering”, 2016.

–       New opportunities in the hotel and restaurant industry within the framework of the 11th Central Asian International Exhibition. Everything for hotels, restaurants, supermarkets. Horex 2015

–       Republic competition of tourism-regional studies and environmental research works “Guldene ber Kazakhstan”, 2016.

–       Information tour Taraz-Akyrtas-Turkestan, 2016.

–       Certificate of gratitude for participation in the “Issyk lake -2016” infotype, 2016.

–       International trends and the current state of the hospitality industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016.

–       Tourist car trek along the route “The Golden circle of Zhetysu”, 2016 у.

Improving the interpretation of the Silk Road and improving the quality of training guides (tour guide preparation certificate), 2016.-       Improving the interpretation of the Silk Road and improving the quality of training guides
(certificate of training tour guides), 2016.

–       Employees of the restaurant and social networks, within the framework of the forum Horex 2016, 2016.

–       Components of a successful business. Training and development of staff, within the framework of the forum Horex 2016, 2016 y.

–        Hospitality methodology. Why don’t standards of service work? Within the framework of the forum Horex 2016, 2016y.

–        Natural aspects of sustainable development in Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan, 2016.

–       Seminar-training “Requirements to the guide on the basis of” Professional standards in the field of tourism and hospitality of the Republic of Kazakhstan “, 2016 у.

–       Training on the topic “Long Drink. Layered cocktails », 2016 у.

–       Training on “Bar business”, 2016 у.

–       2017 FISU Conference Almaty. On Innovation-Education-Sport. University Sport: Health and future of society, 2017 у.

–        Hospitality – an unforgettable service, 2017 у.

–        Cash discipline – on-the-job training 2017 у.

–       Health and safety of business, 2017 у

–       Training and development of the restaurant team, 2017 у.

–       «Tourism research training the UNWTO Silk Road programme on the spotlight building tourism intelligence in an ever changing world» September  Almatу 2017

–       Franchising and its prospects in Kazakhstan. Almatу 2017

–       Technique to increase sales, Almatу 2018

–       «Actual problems of tourism development» II International Scientific and Practical Conference,  Moscow, 2018

–       How to win in the competition through impeccable customer service, Almatу 2018

–       Republic competition of tourism-regional studies and environmental research works “Guldene ber Kazakhstan”, 2018

–       «Principles of national terminology: theory and practice», Almatу 2018

–       «6th Forum Horex Kazakhstan 2018 «on the topic Formula for success: from concept to promotion»  Master Class Restaurant Unstoppable Marketing, Almatу. 31.10-1.11.2018

–       Guide conductor, Almatу 12-16.11.2018

–       Professional development Guide, Almatу 27-29.11.2018

–       «Modern pedagogical technologies in higher education in the context of a renewed education», Almatу 28.12.2018

Awards (in the last five years): 

Annual scientific conference of students and undergraduates KazNPU named after Abai.  2nd place, 2015.

– Certificate of honor Annual scientific-practical conference of students of undergraduates, post-graduate students, teachers of Moscow State Regional University, 2015.

– Letter of gratitude from the Moscow State Regional University For active participation in scientific and methodological work, 2015.

– Gratitude for the contribution to the development of mass tourism and education of young people from Esik College of Humanities and Economics, 2015

– Gratitude for participation in the festival Almaty Mount Fest, 2016.

– Diploma from the Altyn-Emel SNPP “March of Parks-2016”, 2016.

– Gratitude for participation and cooperation in the organization of the “March of Parks – 2016” SPC “Altynemel”, 2016.

– Gratitude for participation and cooperation in the organization of the “March of Parks – 2016” SNPP “Charyn”, 2016.

– Gratitude for the participation and cooperation in the organization of the “March of Parks – 2016” SSC “Kolsay lakes”, 2016.

– Diploma of the winner of the Olympiad

– Republic competition “The best specialists of the tourist industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2016.

– Diploma from KazAST Almaty, 2017.